How to tell if you have multiple Djangos installed

2024/10/12 17:26:02

In the process of trying to install django, I had a series of failures. I followed many different tutorials online and ended up trying to install it several times. I think I may have installed it twice (which the website said was not a good thing), so how do I tell if I actually have multiple versions installed? I have a Mac running Lion.


open terminal and type python then type import django then type django and it will tell you the path to the django you are importing. Goto that folder [it should look something like this: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/] and look for more than one instance of django(if there is more than one, they will be right next to each other). Delete the one(s) you don't want.

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