recaptcha wasnt solving by anticaptcha plugin in selenium python

2024/10/12 8:22:18

I've recently started using selenium for a project I've been working on for a while that involves automation. One of the roadblocks in the plan was the ReCaptcha system, so I decided to use anti-captcha as the service that would solve the captchas when my bot encountered it. I properly installed the plugin and found some test code with selenium on their site.

from python_anticaptcha import AnticaptchaClient, NoCaptchaTaskProxylessTaskdef captcha_solver():api_key = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'site_key = '6LdZPw8aAAAAAA_1XrIfloCojPwo4TdJ_A_7ioRy'  # grab from siteurl = ''client = AnticaptchaClient(api_key)task = NoCaptchaTaskProxylessTask(url, site_key)job = client.createTask(task)job.join()return job.get_solution_response()captcha = captcha_solver()
driver.execute_script('document.getElementById("g-recaptcha-response").innerHTML = "{}";'.format(captcha))

the anticaptcha says the recaptcha is solved, the solved code comes like this


I execute this solved code to g-recaptcha-response textarea and says the selenium to click the button, but the result is this Result

I cannot solve the recaptcha using anticaptcha, I don't whether my code has a problem, but I followed the official documentation to use the recaptcha. Guys please help me to solve this issue.


I've finally managed to resolve this myself. In case anyone else is struggling with a similar issue, here was my solution:

  • Open the console and execute the following cmd: ___grecaptcha_cfg.clients
  • Find the path which has the callback function, in my case it's ___grecaptcha_cfg.clients[0].R.R
  • Use the following code: driver.execute_script(f"___grecaptcha_cfg.clients[0].R.R.callback('{new_token}')") (Remember to change the path accordingly)

Can get the path using the google console ___grecaptcha_cfg.clients

Right click the callback -> copy property path and paste in driver.execute_script and add this on start ___grecaptcha_cfg. and pass the solved token value

This Article will help you to find the ___grecaptcha_cfg.clients of your recaptcha site

driver.execute_script('document.getElementById("g-recaptcha-response").innerHTML = "{}";'.format(g_response))   

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