How to get MultiCells in Pyfpdf Side by side?

2024/10/11 20:23:41

I am making a table of about 10 cells with headings in them. They will not fit accross the page unless I use multi_cell option. However I cant figure out How to get a multi_cell side by side. When I make a new one it autmatically goes to the next line

from fpdf import FPDF
import webbrowserpdf=FPDF()
pdf.multi_cell(40,10,'Hello World!,how are you today',1,0)pdf.multi_cell(100,10,'This cell needs to beside the other',1,0)pdf.output('tuto1.pdf','F')webbrowser.open_new('tuto1.pdf')

You will have to keep track of x and y coordinates:

from fpdf import FPDF
import webbrowserpdf=FPDF()
pdf.set_font('Arial','B',16)# Save top coordinate
top = pdf.y# Calculate x position of next cell
offset = pdf.x + 40pdf.multi_cell(40,10,'Hello World!,how are you today',1,0)# Reset y coordinate
pdf.y = top# Move to computed offset
pdf.x = offset pdf.multi_cell(100,10,'This cell needs to beside the other',1,0)pdf.output('tuto1.pdf','F')webbrowser.open_new('tuto1.pdf')

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