tweepy how to get a username from id

2024/10/11 14:22:07

how do I derrive a plaintext username from a user Id number with tweepy?

Here is the CORRECTED code that I am using:

ids = []
userid = "someOne"
for page in tweepy.Cursor(api.followers_ids, screen_name=userid).pages():ids.extend(page)time.sleep(60)print len(ids), "following have been gathered from", userid  users = api.lookup_users(user_ids=ids)#ieterates through the list of users and prints them
for u in users:print u.screen_name

The last line I have commented is the one giving me an issue. Please advise. Thank you all!


You are iterating ids and i already contains element of ids. Try to pass i to lookup_users:

for i in ids:print screen_name(api.lookup_users(i))# print screen_name(api.lookup_users(ids[i]))

update, try this way:

users = api.lookup_users(user_ids=ids)
for u in users:print u.screen_name

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