Multiple async unit tests fail, but running them one by one will pass

2024/10/10 14:30:36

I have two unit tests, if I run them one by one, they pass. If I run them at class level, one pass and the other one fails at response = await with the error message: RuntimeError: Event loop is closed

async def test_successful_register_saves_expiry_to_seven_days(self):async with AsyncClient(app=app, base_url="") as ac:response = await"/register/",headers={},json={"device_id": "u1","device_type": DeviceType.IPHONE.value,},)query = == "u1")d = await db.fetch_one(query)assert d.expires_at == datetime.utcnow().replace(second=0, microsecond=0) + timedelta(days=7)@pytest.mark.asyncio
async def test_successful_register_saves_device_type(self):async with AsyncClient(app=app, base_url="") as ac:response = await"/register/",headers={},json={"device_id": "u1","device_type": DeviceType.ANDROID.value,},)query = == "u1")d = await db.fetch_one(query)assert d.type == DeviceType.ANDROID.value

I have been trying for hours, what am I missing please?


UPDATE (>= 0.19.0)

Latest 0.19.0 of pytest-asyncio has become strict. You need now to change every @pytest.fixture in the with @pytest_asyncio.fixture.

These things keep changing too often.

UPDATE (< 0.19.0)

It is true that @pytest.yield_fixture is deprecated. The proper way until version 0.19.0 is

def event_loop(request):loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()yield looploop.close()

Original Answer:

I have found the solution.

Create a file named under tests

And insert the following:

def event_loop(request):"""Create an instance of the default event loop for each test case."""loop = asyncio.get_event_loop_policy().new_event_loop()yield looploop.close()

This will correctly end the loop after each test and allow multiple ones to be run.

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