How to bind multiple widgets with one bind in Tkinter?

2024/10/10 8:22:50

I am wondering how to bind multiple widgets with one "bind".

For expample:

I have three buttons and I want to change their color after hovering.

from Tkinter import *def SetColor(event):event.widget.config(bg="red")returndef ReturnColor(event):event.widget.config(bg="white")returnroot = Tk()B1 = Button(root,text="Button 1", bg="white")
B1.pack()B2 = Button(root, text="Button2", bg="white")
B2.pack()B3 = Button(root, text= "Button 3", bg="white")

And my goal is to have only two binds (for "Enter" and "Leave" events) instead of six as above.

Thank you for any ideas


To answer your specific question on whether you can have a single binding apply to multiple widgets, the answer is yes. It will probably result in more lines of code rather than less, but it's easy to do.

All tkinter widgets have something called "bindtags". Bindtags are a list of "tags" to which bindings are attached. You use this all the time without knowing it. When you bind to a widget, the binding isn't actually on the widget per se, but on a tag that has the same name as the widget's low level name. The default bindings are on a tag that is the same name as the widget class (the underlying class, not necessarily the python class). And when you call bind_all, you're binding to the tag "all".

The great thing about bindtags is that you can add and remove tags all you want. So, you can add your own tag, and then assign the binding to it with bind_class (I don't know why the Tkinter authors chose that name...).

An important thing to remember is that bindtags have an order, and events are handled in this order. If an event handler returns the string "break", event handling stops before any remaining bindtags have been checked for bindings.

The practical upshot of this is, if you want other bindings to be able to override these new bindings, add your bindtag to the end. If you want your bindings to be impossible to be overridden by other bindings, put it at the start.


import Tkinter as tkclass Example(tk.Frame):def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):tk.Frame.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)# add bindings to a new tag that we're going to be usingself.bind_class("mytag", "<Enter>", self.on_enter)self.bind_class("mytag", "<Leave>", self.on_leave)# create some widgets and give them this tagfor i in range(5):l = tk.Label(self, text="Button #%s" % i, background="white")l.pack(side="top")new_tags = l.bindtags() + ("mytag",)l.bindtags(new_tags)def on_enter(self, event):event.widget.configure(background="bisque")def on_leave(self, event):event.widget.configure(background="white")if __name__ == "__main__":root = tk.Tk()view = Example()view.pack(side="top", fill="both", expand=True)root.mainloop()

A little bit more information about bindtags can be found in this answer:

Also, the bindtags method itself is documented on the effbot Basic Widget Methods page among other places.

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