Using a context manager with mysql connector python

2024/10/9 2:26:01

I'm moving my code across from an sqlite database to mysql and I'm having a problem with the context manager, getting the following attribute error.

I've tried combinations of mydb.cursor() as cursor, mydb: etc...

mydb = mysql.connector.connect(host="localhost",user="root",passwd="",database="database_name"cur = mydb.cursor()
with mydb as cursor:AttributeError: __enter__

Python has a built-in way to implement a context manager if the object you're creating have a .close() method, by using the contextlib.closing context manager.

From the Python docs:


Return a context manager that closes thing upon completion of the block. This is basically equivalent to:

 from contextlib import contextmanager@contextmanagerdef closing(thing):try:yield thingfinally:thing.close()

So, for your specific issue, you can use not only on the connection, but also the cursor.

Your code would be:

from contextlib import closingimport mysql.connectorquery = "SELECT * FROM table"db_conn_info = {"user": "root","passwd": "","host": "localhost","port": 5000,"database": "database_name"
}with closing(mysql.connector.connect(**db_conn_info)) as conn:with closing(conn.cursor()) as cur:cur.execute(query)result = cur.fetchall()

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