python append folder name to filenames in all sub folders

2024/10/7 18:29:49

I am trying to append the name of a folder to all filenames within that folder. I have to loop through a parent folder that contain sub folders. I have to do this in Python and not a bat file.

Example is, take these folders:

Parent FolderSub1example01.txtexample01.jpgexample01.tifSub2example01.txtexample01.jpgexample01.tif

To this

Parent FolderSub1Sub1_example01.txtSub1_example01.jpgSub1_example01.tifSub2Sub2_example01.txtSub2_example01.jpgSub2_example01.tif

I believe its os.rename, but i cant work out how to call the folder name.

Thanks for the advice.


I would use os.path.basename on the root to find your prefix.

import osfor root, dirs, files in os.walk("Parent"):if not files:continueprefix = os.path.basename(root)for f in files:os.rename(os.path.join(root, f), os.path.join(root, "{}_{}".format(prefix, f)))


> tree Parent
├── Sub1
│   ├── example01.jpg
│   ├── example02.jpg
│   └── example03.jpg
└── Sub2├── example01.jpg├── example02.jpg└── example03.jpg2 directories, 6 files


> tree Parent
├── Sub1
│   ├── Sub1_example01.jpg
│   ├── Sub1_example02.jpg
│   └── Sub1_example03.jpg
└── Sub2├── Sub2_example01.jpg├── Sub2_example02.jpg└── Sub2_example03.jpg2 directories, 6 files

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