how to change image format when uploading image in django?

2024/10/5 19:20:42

When a user uploads an image from the Django admin panel, I want to change the image format to '.webp'. I have overridden the save method of the model. Webp file is generated in the media/banner folder but the generated file is not saved in the database. How can I achieve that?

def save(self, *args, **kwargs):super(Banner, self).save(*args, **kwargs)im ='RGB')name = 'Some File Name with .webp extention', 'webp')self.image = im

But After saving the model, instance of the Image class not saved in the database?

My Model Class is :

class Banner(models.Model):image = models.ImageField(upload_to='banner')device_size = models.CharField(max_length=20, choices=Banner_Device_Choice)
from django.core.files import ContentFile

If you already have the webp file, read the webp file, put it into the ContentFile() with a buffer (something like io.BytesIO). Then you can proceed to save the ContentFile() object to a model. Do not forget to update the model field, and save the model!


"django-webp-converter is a Django app which straightforwardly converts static images to WebP images, falling back to the original static image for unsupported browsers."

It might have some save capabilities too.

The cause

You are also saving in the wrong order, the correct order to call the super().save() is at the end.

Edited, and tested solution:
from django.core.files import ContentFile
from io import BytesIOdef save(self, *args, **kwargs):#if not #Assuming you don't want to do this literally every time an object is saved.img_io = BytesIO()im ='RGB'), format='WEBP')name="this_is_my_webp_file.webp"self.image = ContentFile(img_io.getvalue(), name)super(Banner, self).save(*args, **kwargs) #Not at start  anymore

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