Trouble with basemap subplots

2024/10/5 19:21:14

I need to make a plot with n number of basemap subplots. But when I am doing this the all the values are plotted on the first subplot.

My data is a set of 'n' matrixes, stored in data_all.

f, map = plt.subplots(n,sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(20,17))plt.subplots_adjust(left=None, bottom=None, right=None, top=None,wspace=None, hspace=0.)for i in range(n):map = Basemap(projection='merc', lat_0=0, lon_0=180,resolution='h', area_thresh=0.1,llcrnrlon=0, llcrnrlat=-45,urcrnrlon=360, urcrnrlat=45)map.drawcoastlines(linewidth=0.5)map.drawmapboundary()map.drawmapboundary()nx = data_all.shape[0]ny = data_all.shape[1]lon, lat = map.makegrid(ny[i], nx[i])z,y = map(lon, lat)cs = map.contourf(z, y, data_all[i])

I can't test it at the moment, but basically, you just need to tell basemap which axes to use.

For example:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemapfig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=4, ncols=3)
for ax in axes.flat:map_ax = Basemap(ax=ax)map_ax.drawcoastlines()

enter image description here

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