How to get multiple parameters with same name from a URL in Pylons?

2024/10/5 11:17:43

So unfortunately I find myself in the situation where I need to modify an existing Pylons application to handle URLs that provide multiple parameters with the same name. Something like the following... domain:port/action?c=1&v=3&c=4

Conventionally the parameters are accessed this way...

from pylons import request
c = request.params.get("c")
c = request.params["c"]

This will return "4" as the value in either case, because ignoring all but the last value seems to be the standard behavior in these situations. What I really need though, is to be able to access both. I tried printing out request.params and get something like this...

NestedMultiDict([(u'c', u'1'),(u'v', u'3'),(u'c', u'4')])

I haven't found a way to index into it, or access that first value for c.

I found a similar question relating to this problem, but solved with PHP:

Something along these lines would work well for me, but maybe some Python code that would fit into Pylons. Has anyone dealt with something like this before?


From the docs - :

multidict An ordered dictionary that can have multiple values for each key. Adds the methods getall, getone, mixed, add and dict_of_lists to the normal dictionary interface. See Multidict and pyramid.interfaces.IMultiDict.

So just call:


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