Numpy: Reshape array along a specified axis

2024/10/5 9:26:40

I have the following array:

x = np.arange(24).reshape((2,3,2,2))
array([[[[ 0,  1],[ 2,  3]],[[ 4,  5],[ 6,  7]],[[ 8,  9],[10, 11]]],[[[12, 13],[14, 15]],[[16, 17],[18, 19]],[[20, 21],[22, 23]]]])

I would like to reshape it to a (3,4,2) array like below:

array([[[ 0,  1],[ 2,  3],[12, 13],[14, 15]],[[ 4,  5],[ 6,  7],[16, 17],[18, 19]],[[ 8,  9],[10, 11],[20, 21],[22, 23]]])

I've tried to use reshape but it gave me the following which is not what I want.

array([[[ 0,  1],[ 2,  3],[ 4,  5],[ 6,  7]],[[ 8,  9],[10, 11],[12, 13],[14, 15]],[[16, 17],[18, 19],[20, 21],[22, 23]]])

Can someone please help?


Use transpose and then reshape like so -

shp = x.shape
out = x.transpose(1,0,2,3).reshape(shp[1],-1,shp[-1])

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