Sending a POST request to my RESTful API(Python-Flask), but receiving a GET request

2024/10/5 5:11:58

I'm trying to send a trigger to a Zapier webhook in the form of a POST request containing JSON. It works fine if I just send the POST request through a local python script.

What I want to do is create a RESTful API which makes the trigger to the Zapier webhook when the create-row-in-gs endpoint is called.

As you can see, I'm sending a POST request API call to the Hasura cluster. But instead of getting the response as '200 OK SUCCESS', I'm getting a '200 OK failure' which means that the request is being treated as a GET request instead of a POST request.

#Python 3 Script to send a POST request containing JSONimport json
import requestsapi_url = ''
create_row_data = {'id': '1235','name':'Joel','created-on':'27/01/2018','modified-on':'27/01/2018','desc':'This is Joel!!'}
r =, data=create_row_data)
print(r.status_code, r.reason, r.text) (Running on Hasura cluster)

from src import app
from flask import jsonify,request,make_response,url_for,redirect
from json import dumps
from requests import posturl = ''@app.route('/create-row-in-gs', methods=['GET','POST'])
def create_row_in_gs():if request.method == 'GET':return make_response('failure')if request.method == 'POST':t_id = request.json['id']t_name = request.json['name']created_on = request.json['created_on']modified_on = request.json['modified_on']desc = request.json['desc']create_row_data = {'id': str(t_id),'name':str(t_name),'created-on':str(created_on),'modified-on':str(modified_on),'desc':str(desc)}response =, data=json.dumps(create_row_data),headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'})return response

Have been struggling with this for weeks. What am I doing wrong? Would appreciate any help.


Ok, I checked you script locally and found two issues. Both are in your client script.

1) r =, data=create_row_data) should be r =, json=create_row_data)

2) You look for created_on and modified_on in your Flask app, but you send created-on and modified-on.

Working local code below:


import json
import requestsapi_url = 'http://localhost:5000/create-row-in-gs'
create_row_data = {'id': '1235','name':'Joel','created_on':'27/01/2018','modified_on':'27/01/2018','desc':'This is Joel!!'}
r =, json=create_row_data)
print(r.status_code, r.reason, r.text)


from flask import Flask,jsonify,request,make_response,url_for,redirect
import requests, jsonapp = Flask(__name__)url = ''@app.route('/create-row-in-gs', methods=['GET','POST'])
def create_row_in_gs():if request.method == 'GET':return make_response('failure')if request.method == 'POST':t_id = request.json['id']t_name = request.json['name']created_on = request.json['created_on']modified_on = request.json['modified_on']desc = request.json['desc']create_row_data = {'id': str(t_id),'name':str(t_name),'created-on':str(created_on),'modified-on':str(modified_on),'desc':str(desc)}response =, data=json.dumps(create_row_data),headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'})return response.contentif __name__ == '__main__''localhost',debug=False, use_reloader=True)

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