Python, Timeout of Try, Except Statement after X number of seconds?

2024/10/5 7:17:23

I've been searching on this but can't seem to find an exact answer (most get into more complicated things like multithreading, etc), I just want to do something like a Try, Except statement where if the process doesn't finish within X number of seconds it will throw an exception.

EDIT: The reason for this is that I am using a website testing software (selenium) with a configuration that sometimes causes it to hang. It doesn't throw an error, doesn't timeout or do anything so I have no way of catching it. I am wondering what the best way is to determine that this has occured so I can move on in my application, so I was thinking if I could do something like, "if this hasn't finished by X seconds... move on".


You can't do it without some sort of multithreading or multiprocessing, even if that's hidden under some layers of abstraction, unless that "process" you're running is specifically designed for asynchronicity and calls-back to a known function once in a while.

If you describe what that process actually is, it will be easier to provide real solutions. I don't think that you appreciate the power of Python where it comes to implementations that are succinct while being complete. This may take just a few lines of code to implement, even if using multithreading/multiprocessing.

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