Python-Matplotlib boxplot. How to show percentiles 0,10,25,50,75,90 and 100?

2024/10/2 16:27:12

I would like to plot an EPSgram (see below) using Python and Matplotlib.

The boxplot function only plots quartiles (0, 25, 50, 75, 100). So, how can I add two more boxes?

EPSGram boxplot


I put together a sample, if you're still curious. It uses scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile, but you may be getting those numbers from elsewhere:

from random import random
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import scoreatpercentilex = np.array([random() for x in xrange(100)])# percentiles of interest
perc = [min(x), scoreatpercentile(x,10), scoreatpercentile(x,25),scoreatpercentile(x,50), scoreatpercentile(x,75),scoreatpercentile(x,90), max(x)]
midpoint = 0 # time-series timefig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
# min/max
ax.broken_barh([(midpoint-.01,.02)], (perc[0], perc[1]-perc[0]))
ax.broken_barh([(midpoint-.01,.02)], (perc[5], perc[6]-perc[5]))
# 10/90
ax.broken_barh([(midpoint-.1,.2)], (perc[1], perc[2]-perc[1]))
ax.broken_barh([(midpoint-.1,.2)], (perc[4], perc[5]-perc[4]))
# 25/75
ax.broken_barh([(midpoint-.4,.8)], (perc[2], perc[3]-perc[2]))
ax.broken_barh([(midpoint-.4,.8)], (perc[3], perc[4]-perc[3]))ax.set_ylim(-0.5,1.5)

Output of the code above

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