Python code for the coin toss issues

2024/10/2 12:27:35

I've been writing a program in python that simulates 100 coin tosses and gives the total number of tosses. The problem is that I also want to print the total number of heads and tails.

Here's my code:

import random
tries = 0
while tries < 100:tries += 1coin = random.randint(1, 2)if coin == 1:print('Heads')if coin == 2:print ('Tails')
total = tries

I've been racking my brain for a solution and so far I have nothing. Is there any way to get the number of heads and tails printed in addition to the total number of tosses?

import randomsamples = [ random.randint(1, 2) for i in range(100) ]
heads = samples.count(1)
tails = samples.count(2)for s in samples:msg = 'Heads' if s==1 else 'Tails'print msgprint "Heads count=%d, Tails count=%d" % (heads, tails)

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