HTMLParser.HTMLParser().unescape() doesnt work

2024/10/1 9:48:58

I would like to convert HTML entities back to its human readable format, e.g. '£' to '£', '°' to '°' etc.

I've read several posts regarding this question

Converting html source content into readable format with Python 2.x

Decode HTML entities in Python string?

Convert XML/HTML Entities into Unicode String in Python

and according to them, I chose to use the undocumented function unescape(), but it doesn't work for me...

My code sample is like:

import HTMLParserhtmlParser = HTMLParser.HTMLParser()
decoded = htmlParser.unescape('© 2013')
print decoded

When I ran this python script, the output is still:

© 2013

instead of

© 2013

I'm using Python 2.X, working on Windows 7 and Cygwin console. I googled and didn't find any similar problems..Could anyone help me with this?


Apparently HTMLParser.unescape was a bit more primitive before Python 2.6.

Python 2.5:

>>> import HTMLParser
>>> HTMLParser.HTMLParser().unescape('©')

Python 2.6/2.7:

>>> import HTMLParser
>>> HTMLParser.HTMLParser().unescape('©')

UPDATE: Python 3.4+:

>>> import html
>>> html.unescape('©')

See the 2.5 implementation vs the 2.6 implementation / 2.7 implementation

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