Install python package from private pypiserver

2024/10/1 3:26:50

I have setup a pypiserver behind an nginx proxy which uses htpasswd for authentication. I am currently able to upload sdists, but I can't figure out how to download them. I want to be able to download them when running test and somehow by using pip. Is this possible?

index-servers =private[private]
repository =
username = remco
password = mypass

To make it extra hard the server is currently using a non verified ssl connection.

I tried the following setup based on, but the only documentation on this is 'XXX'

#!/usr/bin/env python2.7from setuptools import setupsetup(name='asd',version='0.0.1',package_index='',test_suite='test',tests_require=['foo==0.0.1'])

for using your index with pip create ~/.pip/pip.conf with this content:

index-url = https://remco:[email protected]/pypi/simple
cert = /etc/ssl/certs/your_cert_CA.pem

A little bit documentation on pip.conf is here and on pypiserver here

Perhaps you can also try using package_index='https://user:[email protected]/pypi/simple in

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