SHA 512 crypt output written with Python code is different from mkpasswd

2024/9/30 19:28:40

Running mkpasswd -m sha-512 -S salt1234 password results in the following:


I have this snippet of Python code that I thought would output the same, but isn't:

import hashlib, base64
print(base64.b64encode(hashlib.sha512('password' + 'salt1234').digest()))

It instead results in:


Not sure what I am doing wrong.

Another question I have is, how do I tell sha512 function to do custom rounds. It seems to take only 1 argument.


mkpasswd is a front-end to the crypt() function. I don't think it is a straight-forward SHA512 hash here.

A little research points to the specification for SHA256-crypt and SHA512-crypt, which shows the hash is applied a default 5000 times. You can specify a different number of rounds using the -R switch to mkpasswd; -R 5000 indeed gives you the same output:

$ mkpasswd -m sha-512 -S salt1234 -R 5000 password

The minimum number of rounds offered by the command-line tool is 1000:

$ mkpasswd -m sha-512 -S salt1234 -R 999 password
$ mkpasswd -m sha-512 -S salt1234 -R 1 password

The algorithm is a bit more involved, requiring you to create several digests. You could instead access the C crypt() function through the crypt.crypt() function, and drive it the same way the mkpasswd commandline does.

It depends on your platform if the SHA512-crypt method is available; the Python 3 version of the crypt module offers a crypt.methods list that tells you what methods your platform supports. Since this use the exact same library mkpasswd uses, your OS obviously does support SHA512-crypt and Python will have access too.

You need to prefix the salt with '$6$ to specify the different method. You can specify the number of rounds by adding a 'rounds=<N>$' string between the '$6$' string and your salt:

import crypt
import os
import stringtry:  # 3.6 or abovefrom secrets import choice as randchoice
except ImportError:from random import SystemRandomrandchoice = SystemRandom().choicedef sha512_crypt(password, salt=None, rounds=None):if salt is None:salt = ''.join([randchoice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits)for _ in range(8)])prefix = '$6$'if rounds is not None:rounds = max(1000, min(999999999, rounds or 5000))prefix += 'rounds={0}$'.format(rounds)return crypt.crypt(password, prefix + salt)

This then produces the same output as the mkpasswd command line:

>>> sha512_crypt('password', 'salt1234')
>>> sha512_crypt('password', 'salt1234', rounds=1000)

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