Get names of positional arguments from functions signature

2024/9/30 7:16:21

Using Python 3.x, I'm trying to get the name of all positional arguments from some function i.e:

def foo(a, b, c=1):return

Right now I'm doing this:

from inspect import signature, _empty
args =[x for x, p in signature(foo).parameters.items() if p.default == _empty]

When the function alows *args i.e:

def foo(a, b, c=1, *args):return

I'm adding the line:


I was wondering if there is a better way to achieve this.

As suggested by Jim Fasarakis-Hilliard one better way to deal with *args case is using Parameter.kind:

from inspect import signature, Parameter
args =[]
for x, p in signature(foo).parameters.items():if p.default == Parameter.empty and p.kind != Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL:args.append(x)

Yes, you can achieve a more robust solution by additionally checking if the .kind attribute of the parameter is not equal to Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL.

For *args, this is the value that is set when you build the signature object from a function:

>>> def foo(a, b, c=1, *args): pass
>>> print(signature(foo).parameters['args'].kind)

So just import Parameter from inspect and add or the condition that kind != Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL:

>>> from inspect import Parameter
>>> Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL == p['args'].kind

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