How to overwrite a file in Python?

2024/9/29 17:30:47

I'm trying to overwrite a file. I based my answer on this Read and overwrite a file in Python

To complete my codes:

<select class="select compact expandable-list check-list" ONCHANGE="location = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;"><option value="{% url envelopes:auto_sort %}?sort_by=custom">Custom order</option><optgroup label="Category"><option value="{% url envelopes:auto_sort %}?sort_by=cat_asc">Ascending order</option><option value="{% url envelopes:auto_sort %}?sort_by=cat_desc">Descending order</option></optgroup>
</select>def auto_sort(request):sort_by = request.GET.get('sort_by', None)if sort_by:temp_path = "{0}/file.txt".format(settings.SITE_ROOT) f=open(temp_path,'r+')text = = re.sub('cat_asc', 'cat_desc', text);handle=open(temp_path,'w+')handle.write(sort_by)handle.close();return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('envelopes:editor'))

The output of my current codes:

The file contains cat_desc when I try rewrite again as custom. It rewrites as customc. Notice the c at the end, it must be custom only.

Here is what I'm trying to achieve:

  1. I write on file, for example, cat_desc
  2. If I want to write again, for example custom, the cat_desc must be removed and replaced with custom.

New anwser ...

You're passing text as the 4th parameter of re.sub. This is supposed to be an int

Help on function sub in module re:sub(pattern, repl, string, count=0, flags=0)Return the string obtained by replacing the leftmostnon-overlapping occurrences of the pattern in string by thereplacement repl.  repl can be either a string or a callable;if a string, backslash escapes in it are processed.  If it isa callable, it's passed the match object and must returna replacement string to be used.

old answer ...

Perhaps you are doing

from os import open

That is a different (lower level) open, you want to just use the builtin open (you don't need to import anything to use it)

Here is an example of doing it wrong and getting your error message

>>> from os import open
>>> open("some_path", "r+")
Traceback (most recent call last):File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: an integer is required

Also to overwrite the file, you need to open with "w+". "r" stands for read

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