How to setup Celery to talk ssl to Azure Redis Instance

2024/9/28 17:25:50

Using the great answer to "How to configure celery-redis in django project on microsoft azure?", I can configure Celery to use Azure Redis Cache using the non-ssl port, 6379, using the following Python code:

from celery import Celery
# This one works
url = 'redis://:<access key>@<my server>'
# I want to use a url that specifies ssl like one of the following:
# url = 'redis://:<my key>=@<my server>'
# url = 'redis://:<my key>@<my server>'
app = Celery('tasks', broker=url)@app.task
def add(x, y):return x + y

However, I would like to have celery use ssl and communicate on port 3380 using ssl to the Azure Redis Cache. If I change the port to 6380, I get an "Error while reading from socket" after a few minutes of waiting after running the following command:

celery -A tasks worker --loglevel=INFO -Q "celery" -Ofair

Does anyone know how to configure this, on the Celery or Azure side, so that I can have celery communicate on the default 3380 port on Azure Redis Cache using ssl?

I am using the latest version of Celery (4.0.2)

Note that code like the following works with no problem when connecting directly from a Linux client (on Azure) using port 3380 and ssl using Python's redis library:

import redis
redis.StrictRedis(host='<my host>', port=6380, db=0, password='<my key>', ssl=True)

It's already possible using rediss:// instead redis://.

url = 'rediss://:<access key>@<my server>'

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