ctypes pointer into the middle of a numpy array

2024/9/27 20:08:01

I know how to get a ctypes pointer to the beginning of a numpy array:

a = np.arange(10000, dtype=np.double)
p = a.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))

however, I need to pass the pointer to, let's say, element 100, without copying the array. There must be an easy way to do it but cannot find it.

Any hint appreciated.


Slicing a numpy array creates a view, not a copy:

>>> a = numpy.arange(10000, dtype=numpy.double)
>>> p = a[100:].ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double))
>>> p.contents
>>> a[100] = 55
>>> p.contents

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