python augmented assignment for boolean operators

2024/9/28 15:22:04

Does Python have augmented assignment statements corresponding to its boolean operators?

For example I can write this:

x = x + 1

or this:

x += 1

Is there something I can write in place of this:

x = x and y

To avoid writing "x" twice?

Note that I'm aware of statements using &= , but I was looking for a statement that would work when y is any type, not just when y is a boolean.


The equivalent expression is &= for and and |= for or.

>>> b = True
>>> b &= False
>>> b

Note bitwise AND and bitwise OR and will only work (as you expect) for bool types. bitwise AND is different than logical AND for other types, such as numeric

>>> bool(12) and bool(5)   # logical AND
True>>> 12 & 5    # bitwise AND

Please see this post for a more thorough discussion of bitwise vs logical operations in this context.

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