I am trying to create a simple blog application using Angular2 with Django Rest Framework. I am implementing pagination in Django, but I do not know how to rendering it in Angular.
API has the following structure. Entries are paginated every 5 entries.
export interface IEntries {count: any,next: any,previous: any,results: IResults[]
}export interface IResults {title: string,body: string,created_at: any,updated_at: any
import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
import { Http } from "@angular/http";
import 'rxjs/add/operator/toPromise';import { IEntries } from '../models/entries.model';@Injectable()
export class EntriesService {constructor(private http: Http){}getEntries(page: number){return this.http.get(`` +((page * 5)-5)).toPromise().then(response => response.json()).catch(this.handleError);}private handleError(error: any) {console.error('An error occurred', error);return Promise.reject(error.message || error);}}
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { EntriesService } from '../services/entries.service';
import { IEntries } from '../models/entries.model';@Component({selector: 'my-entries',templateUrl: '../templates/entries.component.html',styleUrls: ['../static/entries.component.css']
export class EntriesComponent implements OnInit{title = 'entries';entries: IEntries[] = [];error: any;public constructor(private entriesService: EntriesService,){}getEntires(page :number) {this.entriesService.getEntries(page).then(entries => this.entries = entries).catch(error => this.error = error);}ngOnInit() {this.getEntires(1);}
<div class="container"><h2>{{title}}</h2><div class="panel panel-default" *ngFor="let results of entries.results"><div class="panel-heading"><a href="detail/{{ results.id }}">{{ results.title }}</a></div><div class="panel-body pre-wrap" ng-bind="multiLineText">{{ results.body }}</div><div class="panel-footer">{{ results.created_at | date}}</div></div><nav *ngIf="entries.count > 5">(I want to display pagination here)</nav>
In such a case, please help how to implement Pagination.