Scrapy with selenium, webdriver failing to instantiate

2024/9/27 7:25:31

I am trying to use selenium/phantomjs with scrapy and I'm riddled with errors. For example, take the following code snippet:

def parse(self, resposne):while True:try:driver = webdriver.PhantomJS()# do some stuffdriver.quit()breakexcept (WebDriverException, TimeoutException):try:driver.quit()except UnboundLocalError:print "Driver failed to instantiate"time.sleep(3)continue

A lot of the times the driver it seems it has failed to instantiate (so the driver is unbound, hence the exception), and I get the blurb (along with the print message I put in)

Exception AttributeError: "'Service' object has no attribute 'process'" in <bound method Service.__del__ of <selenium.webdriver.phantomjs.service.Service object at 0x7fbb28dc17d0>> ignored

Googling around, it seems everyone suggests updating phantomjs, which I have (1.9.8 built from source). Would anyone know what else could be causing this problem and a suitable diagnosis?


The reason for this behavior is how the PhantomJS driver's Service class is implemented.

There is a __del__ method defined that calls self.stop() method:

def __del__(self):# subprocess.Popen doesn't send signal on __del__;# we have to try to stop the launched process.self.stop()

And, self.stop() is assuming the service instance is still alive trying to access it's attributes:

def stop(self):"""Cleans up the process"""if self._log:self._log.close()self._log = None#If its dead dont worryif self.process is None:return...

The same exact problem is perfectly described in this thread:

  • Python attributeError on __del__

What you should do is to silently ignore AttributeError occurring while quitting the driver instance:

except AttributeError:pass

The problem was introduced by this revision. Which means that downgrading to 2.40.0 would also help.

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