Behavior of round function in Python

2024/9/27 7:26:31

Could anyone explain me this pice of code:

>>> round(0.45, 1)
>>> round(1.45, 1)
>>> round(2.45, 1)
>>> round(3.45, 1)
>>> round(4.45, 1)
>>> round(5.45, 1)
>>> round(6.45, 1)
>>> round(7.45, 1)
>>> round(8.45, 1)
>>> round(9.45, 1)


I guess it is because of floating representation. Am I right?


You are right. None of the numbers can be represented exactly. In some cases the fractional part is strictly greater than 0.45 and in some it is strictly less:

In [4]: ['%.20f' % val for val in (0.45, 1.45, 2.45, 3.45, 4.45, 5.45, 6.45, 7.45, 8.45, 9.45)]

This explains the seemingly inconsistent rounding.

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