How to pass variable in url to Django List View

2024/9/25 22:26:56

I have a Django generic List View that I want to filter based on the value entered into the URL. For example, when someone enters I want the view to filter all of the values matching 41. I have come accross a few ways of doing this with function based views, but not class based Django views.

I have tried:

class DefaultsListView(LoginRequiredMixin,ListView):model = models.DefaultDMLSProcessParamstemplate_name = 'defaults_list.html'login_url = 'login'def get_queryset(self):return models.DefaultDMLSProcessParams.objects.filter(device=self.kwargs[device])

path('<int:device>', DefaultsListView.as_view(), name='Default_Listview'),

You are close, the self.kwargs is a dictionary that maps strings to the corresponding value extracted from the URL, so you need to use a string that contains 'device' here:

class DefaultsListView(LoginRequiredMixin,ListView):model = models.DefaultDMLSProcessParamstemplate_name = 'defaults_list.html'login_url = 'login'def get_queryset(self):return models.DefaultDMLSProcessParams.objects.filter(device_id=self.kwargs['device'])

It is probably better to use devide_id here, since then it is syntactically clear that we compare identifiers with identifiers.

It might also be more "idiomatic" to make a super() call, such that if you later add mixins, these can "pre-process" the get_queryset call:

class DefaultsListView(LoginRequiredMixin,ListView):model = models.DefaultDMLSProcessParamstemplate_name = 'defaults_list.html'login_url = 'login'def get_queryset(self):return super(DefaultsListView, self).get_queryset().filter(device_id=self.kwargs['device'])

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