I am working on some price data with x = day1, day2, day3,...etc. on day1, I have let's say 15 price points(y), day2, I have 30 price points(y2), and so on.
When I read the documentation of Gaussian Process Regression:
y is shape (n_samples, n_targets) with the observations of the output to be predicted.
I assume n_targets refers all the price points I observed on each day. However, the number of price points on each day are not the same. I wonder how to deal with a case like this?
Many thanks!
I have made an implementation of gaussian process for regression in python using only numpy. My aim was to understand it by implementing it. It may be helpful for you.
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
sns.set(color_codes=True)%matplotlib inlineclass GP(object):@classmethoddef kernel_bell_shape(cls, x, y, delta=1.0):return np.exp(-1/2.0 * np.power(x - y, 2) / delta)@classmethoddef kernel_laplacian(cls, x, y, delta=1):return np.exp(-1/2.0 * np.abs(x - y) / delta)@classmethoddef generate_kernel(cls, kernel, delta=1):def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):kwargs.update({"delta": delta})return kernel(*args, **kwargs)return wrapperdef __init__(self, x, y, cov_f=None, R=0):super().__init__()self.x = xself.y = yself.N = len(self.x)self.R = Rself.sigma = []self.mean = []self.cov_f = cov_f if cov_f else self.kernel_bell_shapeself.setup_sigma()@classmethoddef calculate_sigma(cls, x, cov_f, R=0):N = len(x)sigma = np.ones((N, N))for i in range(N):for j in range(i+1, N):cov = cov_f(x[i], x[j])sigma[i][j] = covsigma[j][i] = covsigma = sigma + R * np.eye(N)return sigmadef setup_sigma(self):self.sigma = self.calculate_sigma(self.x, self.cov_f, self.R)def predict(self, x):cov = 1 + self.R * self.cov_f(x, x)sigma_1_2 = np.zeros((self.N, 1))for i in range(self.N):sigma_1_2[i] = self.cov_f(self.x[i], x)# SIGMA_1_2 * SIGMA_1_1.I * (Y.T -M)# M IS ZEROm_expt = (sigma_1_2.T * np.mat(self.sigma).I) * np.mat(self.y).T# sigma_expt = cov - (sigma_1_2.T * np.mat(self.sigma).I) * sigma_1_2sigma_expt = cov + self.R - (sigma_1_2.T * np.mat(self.sigma).I) * sigma_1_2return m_expt, sigma_expt@staticmethoddef get_probability(sigma, y, R):multiplier = np.power(np.linalg.det(2 * np.pi * sigma), -0.5)return multiplier * np.exp((-0.5) * (np.mat(y) * np.dot(np.mat(sigma).I, y).T))def optimize(self, R_list, B_list):def cov_f_proxy(delta, f):def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):kwargs.update({"delta": delta})return f(*args, **kwargs)return wrapperbest = (0, 0, 0)history = []for r in R_list:best_beta = (0, 0)for b in B_list:sigma = gaus.calculate_sigma(self.x, cov_f_proxy(b, self.cov_f), r)marginal = b* float(self.get_probability(sigma, self.y, r))if marginal > best_beta[0]:best_beta = (marginal, b)history.append((best_beta[0], r, best_beta[1]))return sorted(history)[-1], np.mat(history)
Now you can try it as follows:
# setting up a GP
x = np.array([-2, -1, 0, 3.5, 4]);
y = np.array([4.1, 0.9, 2, 12.3, 15.8])
gaus = GP(x, y)x_guess = np.linspace(-5, 16, 400)
y_pred = np.vectorize(gaus.predict)(x_guess)plt.scatter(x, y, c="black")
plt.plot(x_guess, y_pred[0], c="b")
plt.plot(x_guess, y_pred[0] - np.sqrt(y_pred[1]) * 3, "r:")
plt.plot(x_guess, y_pred[0] + np.sqrt(y_pred[1]) * 3, "r:")
The effects of regularization parameter
def create_case(kernel, R=0):x = np.array([-2, -1, 0, 3.5, 4]);y = np.array([4.1, 0.9, 2, 12.3, 15.8])gaus = GP(x, y, kernel, R=R)x_guess = np.linspace(-4, 6, 400)y_pred = np.vectorize(gaus.predict)(x_guess)plt.scatter(x, y, c="black")plt.plot(x_guess, y_pred[0], c="b")plt.plot(x_guess, y_pred[0] - np.sqrt(y_pred[1]) * 3, "r:")plt.plot(x_guess, y_pred[0] + np.sqrt(y_pred[1]) * 3, "r:")plt.figure(figsize=(16, 16))
for i, r in enumerate([0.0001, 0.03, 0.09, 0.8, 1.5, 5.0]):plt.subplot("32{}".format(i+1))plt.title("kernel={}, delta={}, beta={}".format("bell shape", 1, r))create_case(GP.generate_kernel(GP.kernel_bell_shape, delta=1), R=r)
plt.figure(figsize=(16, 16))
for i, d in enumerate([0.05, 0.5, 1, 3.2, 5.0, 7.0]):plt.subplot("32{}".format(i+1))plt.title("kernel={}, delta={}, beta={}".format("kernel_laplacian", d, 1))create_case(GP.generate_kernel(GP.kernel_bell_shape, delta=d), R=0)