python generators time complexity confusion

2024/9/25 15:26:32

I have been reading about keyword yield and generators in python and I want to know if I have understood it right it terms of time complexity.

Here is my generator function to get factors:

def calc_factors(n):for k in range(0, n+1):     # this is the second "for" loopif n % k == 0:yield k

and I would call this generator function as:

>>> for factor in calc_factor(100):   # this is the first "for" loopprint factor

Now my understanding is that this has time complexity of O(n^2) as it has two for loops but again I'm not convinced. Please enlighten me on this front. Thanks in advance!


You misunderstood. You have a O(n) loop. The loop over the generator function is not a nested loop, it merely receives each item from the generator as it is yielded.

In other words, the for factor in calc_factor(100) loop is directly connected to the yield k expression; each time that executes the for factor in calc_factor(100) loop advances one step. You get 1 factor value for every yield k expression executed. yield k executes (up to) n times, no more.

You can, without bending the truth too much, imagine all code in the for factor in calc_factor(100) loop body as replacing the yield k line, with factor = k. In your case you only use print factor, so you could replace the yield k with print k with no loss of functionality.

If you want to look at it differently, take away the generator and build a list. This is what your code does in that case:

results = []
for k in range(0, n+1):if n % k == 0:results.append(k)for factor in results:print factor

Now you have two loops still, but they are not nested. One is a O(n) loop to build the list, the other is a O(k) loop (with k < n) to print the results. This would still be a O(n) algorithm; constant multipliers are ignored (you'd have O(2n) -> O(n)).

All the generator does is remove the intermediary list. You don't have to first collect all the results, you get to have access to each result immediately.

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