I'm using nose and coverage to generate coverage reports. I only have one package right now, ae, so I specify to only cover that:
nosetests -w tests/unit --with-xunit --with-coverage --cover-package=ae
And here are the results, which look good:
Name Stmts Exec Cover Missing
ae 1 1 100%
ae.util 253 224 88% 39, 63-65, 284, 287, 362, 406
TOTAL 263 234 88%
Ran 68 tests in 5.292s
However when I run coverage xml
, coverage pulls in more packages than necessary, including python email and logging packages which have nothing to do with my code.
If I run coverage xml ae
, I get this error:
No source for code: '/home/wraith/dev/projects/trimurti/src/ae':
[Errno 21] Is a directory: '/home/wraith/dev/projects/trimurti/src/ae'
Is there a way to generate the XML for just the ae package?