How to adapt my current splash screen to allow other pieces of my code to run in the background?

2024/9/24 8:32:37

Currently I have a splash screen in place. However, it does not work as a real splash screen - as it halts the execution of the rest of the code (instead of allowing them to run in the background).

This is the current (reduced) arquitecture of my program, with the important bits displayed in full. How can I adapt the splash screen currently in place to actually allow the rest of the program to load in the background? Is it possible in python?


import ...
(many other imports)
def ...
def ...
(many other definitions)class VFrams(wxFrame):wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, -1, _("Software"), size=(1024, 768), style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE)(a lot of code goes in here)class MySplashScreen(wx.SplashScreen):def __init__(self, parent=None):aBitmap = wx.Image(name=VarFiles["img_splash"]).ConvertToBitmap()splashStyle = wx.SPLASH_CENTRE_ON_SCREEN | wx.SPLASH_TIMEOUTsplashDuration = 5000 # mswx.SplashScreen.__init__(self, aBitmap, splashStyle, splashDuration, parent)self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.CloseSplash)wx.Yield()def CloseSplash(self, evt):self.Hide()global frameframe = VFrame(parent=None)app.SetTopWindow(frame)frame.Show(True)evt.Skip()class MyApp(wx.App):def OnInit(self):MySplash = MySplashScreen()MySplash.Show()return Trueif __name__ == '__main__':DEBUG = viz.addText('DEBUG:', viz.SCREEN)DEBUG.setPosition(0, 0)DEBUG.fontSize(16)DEBUG.color(viz.BLACK)Start_Mainvars()        Start_Config()Start_Translation()Start_DB()Start_Themes()Start_Gui()Start_Get_Isos()Start_Bars()Start_Menus()Start_Event_Handlers()app = MyApp()app.MainLoop()

Thank you for all the help, this is how I changed the code (following the provided advice):

def show_splash():# create, show and return the splash screenglobal splashbitmap = wx.Image(name=VarFiles["img_splash"]).ConvertToBitmap()splash = wx.SplashScreen(bitmap, wx.SPLASH_CENTRE_ON_SCREEN|wx.SPLASH_NO_TIMEOUT, 0, None, -1)splash.Show()return splashclass MyApp(wx.App):def OnInit(self):global frame, splashsplash = show_splash()Start_Config()Start_Translation()Start_DB()Start_Themes()Start_Gui()Start_Get_Isos()Start_Bars("GDP1POP1_20091224_gdp", "1 pork")Start_Menus()Start_Event_Handlers()frame = VFrame(parent=None)frame.Show(True)splash.Destroy()return Trueif __name__ == '__main__':DEBUG = viz.addText('DEBUG:', viz.SCREEN)DEBUG.setPosition(0, 0)DEBUG.fontSize(16)DEBUG.color(viz.BLACK)Start_Mainvars()   app = MyApp()app.MainLoop()

Your code is pretty messy/complicated. There's no need to override wx.SplashScreen and no reason your splash screen close event should be creating the main application window. Here's how I do splash screens.

import wxdef show_splash():# create, show and return the splash screenbitmap = wx.Bitmap('images/splash.png')splash = wx.SplashScreen(bitmap, wx.SPLASH_CENTRE_ON_SCREEN|wx.SPLASH_NO_TIMEOUT, 0, None, -1)splash.Show()return splashdef main():app = wx.PySimpleApp()splash = show_splash()# do processing/initialization here and create main windowframe = MyFrame(...)frame.Show()splash.Destroy()app.MainLoop()if __name__ == '__main__':main()

Just create the splash screen as soon as possible with no timeout. Continue loading and create your application's main window. Then destroy the splash screen so it goes away. Showing the splash screen doesn't stop other processing from happening.

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