python only works with sudo

2024/9/24 7:25:07

My python 2.7 script works on my Ubuntu system if I call it using

sudo python [filename].py

or from a bash script using

sudo ./[bashscriptname].sh

But if I call it from Pycharm I get oauth errors, and from the command prompt

python [filename].py 

throws an error on the 'import pandas' line:

ImportError: Missing required dependencies ['numpy', 'pytz']

I've tried

  • pip uninstall then pip install for pandas, numpy, and scipy as noted in Python Pandas - Missing required dependencies ['numpy'] 1
    • the above using flags --upgrade and --user to try to get the packages to apply to my user account rather than root.
  • deleting all files with .pyc in the directory as in ImportError: Missing required dependencies ['numpy']
  • Adding PATH="${PATH}:/path/to/user/python/packages and PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/path/to/user/python/packages" in my .bashrc file

But nothing seems to work.

pip list

Shows all the necessary pandas, numpy, pytz, and oauth packages.

I've a noob who has spent nearly a day on this--help would be very greatly appreciated!!


My band-aid solution was to notice that when I tried a sudo pip install pandas, I got a notice: Requirement already satisfied: pandas in /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages

I stuck a sys.path.insert(1, '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages') near the top of my script and it's now working okay.

Thanks tremendously to @Joe!!

My next steps are a complete do-over of my python install, hopefully without the sudos... (thank you @xgord)

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