Python AWS Lambda 301 redirect

2024/9/23 12:31:35

I have a lambda handler written in Python and I wish to perform a 301 redirect to the browser. I have no idea how I can configure the response Location header (or the status code) -- the documentation doesn't seem to cover anything in context object other than some properties. Apparently context.succeed works with Node JS but this doesn't help in Python.


{"Location": ""}

causes the API gateway to report:

Fri Dec 09 16:20:53 UTC 2016 : Execution failed due to configuration error: Malformed Lambda proxy response

in the test console.

So, how do I perform a 301 redirect from a Python Lambda function when using API gateway and an "AWS Lambda Proxy" integration request?


Turns out I need to manually map the response header and the response code in the integration response. The following post helped me get what I wanted:

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