How to run SQLAlchemy on AWS Lambda in Python

2024/9/23 8:23:13

I preapre very simple file for connecting to external MySQL database server, like below:

from sqlalchemy import *def run(event, context):sql = create_engine('mysql://root:[email protected]/scraper?charset=utf8');metadata = MetaData(sql)print(sql.execute('SHOW TABLES').fetchall())

Doesn't work on AWS, but localy on Windows works perfectly.

Next, I install by pip install sqlalchemy --target my/dir and prepare ZIP file to upload packages to AWS Lambda.

Run, but with failed message No module named 'MySQLdb': ModuleNotFoundError.

Then, I use pip install mysqlclient --target my/dir, create ZIP and again upload to AWS Lambda.

Run, but with new failed message cannot import name '_mysql': ImportError.

So, what I should doing now?


SQLAlchemy includes many Dialect implementations for various backends.Dialects for the most common databases are included with SQLAlchemy; ahandful of others require an additional install of a separate dialect.

The MySQL dialect uses mysql-python as the default DBAPI. There aremany MySQL DBAPIs available, including MySQL-connector-python andOurSQL

Instead of mysql you may use mysql+mysqlconnector

sql = create_engine('mysql+mysqlconnector://root:[email protected]/scraper?charset=utf8')

Then use:

pip install mysql-connector --target my/dir

Create Zip and again upload to AWS Lambda.

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