I'm trying to read a FASTA file and then find specific motif(string) and print out the sequence and number of times it occurs. A FASTA file is just series of sequences(strings) that starts with a header line and the signature for header or start of a new sequence is ">". in a new line immediately after the header is the sequence of letters.I'm not done with code but so far I have this and it gives me this error:
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'next'
I'm not sure what's wrong here.
import reheader=""
for line in f1:if line.startswith('>'):header=line#print headernextline=line.next()for i in nextline:motif="ML[A-Z][A-Z][IV]R"if re.findall(motif,nextline):counts+=1#print (header+'\t'+counts+'\t'+motif+'\n')fout.write(header+'\t'+counts+'\t'+motif+'\n')f1.close()