How to make VSCode always run

2024/9/23 0:32:09

I am writing my first library in Python, When developing I want my run code button in VS Code to always start running the code from the file in the root directory. I have added a new configuration to launch.json however I seem to be unable to use this configuration as default. How can I do this/


You need to put the 'launch.json' under the '.vscode' folder inside your workspace. Then Run > Run Without Debugging (shortcut on windows CTRL+F5)

enter image description here


{// Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.// Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.// For more information, visit:"version": "0.2.0","configurations": [{"name": "Python: Current File","type": "python","request": "launch","program": "${workspaceFolder}/","console": "integratedTerminal"}]

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