Python/PyCharm mark unused import as used

2024/9/22 23:26:12

I need to import a file in my module. It is immediately marked by PyCharm as "unused". Is there a way to mark "unused" imports and also variables, etc. as used in Python?

I came up with the idea to just:

import resource_rc
del resource_rc# do something with the imported stuff

It works, but is that correct? Can that cause a problem?


The best way is:

import something
assert something, "Something is imported for its side effects."

You can do this:

_ = something

But then you have an unused variable so you're relying on your static analyser treating _ as a special variable name.

assert is also nice because it makes it really obvious why you're doing something that you really shouldn't do. (If you wrote resource_rc you should really really really change it so it doesn't have import side effects.)

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