How to use FTP with Pythons requests

2024/9/21 21:17:35

Is it possible to use the requests module to interact with a FTP site? requests is very convenient for getting HTTP pages, but I seem to get a Schema error when I attempt to use FTP sites.

Is there something that I am missing in requests that allows me to do FTP requests, or is it not supported?


For anyone who comes to this answer, as I did, can use this answer of another question in SO.

It uses the urllib.request method.

The snippet for a simple request is the following (in Python 3):

import shutil
import urllib.request as request
from contextlib import closing
from urllib.error import URLErrorurl = ""
try:with closing(request.urlopen(url)) as r:with open('file', 'wb') as f:shutil.copyfileobj(r, f)
except URLError as e:if e.reason.find('No such file or directory') >= 0:raise Exception('FileNotFound')else:raise Exception(f'Something else happened. "{e.reason}"')

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