Realtime processing and callbacks with Python and C++

2024/9/22 22:29:44

I need to write code to do some realtime processing that is fairly computationally complex. I would like to create some Python classes to manage all my scripting, and leave the intensive parts of the algorithm coded in C++ so that they can run as fast as possible. I would like to instantiate the objects in Python, and have the C++ algorithms chime back into the script with callbacks in python. Something like:

myObject = MyObject()
myObject.setCallback(myCallback) myCallback(val):"""Do something with the value passed back to the python script."""pass

Will this be possible? How can I run a callback in python from a loop that is running in a C++ module? Anyone have a link or a tutorial to help me do this correctly?


Have a look at Boost.Python. Its tutorial starts here.

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