Undefined variable from import when using protocol buffers in PyDev

2024/9/22 23:20:34

I've got a PyDev project that uses protocol buffers. The protocol buffer files are located in a zip file generated by the protoc compiler. Everything works when I run the program, however PyDev reports "Undefined variable from import" for every enumeration constant. So for example:

import model_pb2value = model_pb2.Expression(type = model_pb2.Expression.PARAMETER)

It reports the enum constant "PARAMETER" as being an undefined variable. There are several dozen similar errors in my program, and I'd like to fix them "properly" (i.e. not simply suppressing the warning.)


I found that using for builtins as can work, but only if all the proto files are in a separate located in an external library (see http://pydev.org/manual_101_project_conf2.html).

This should work:

  1. Move (or unzip) the compiled proto files including model_pb2.py into a directory outside the pydev project.
  2. Add an empty __init__.py file to the same directory as model_pb2.py to ensure it can be imported as a library.
  3. In eclipse, go to Windows -> Preferences -> pydev -> Interpreter
  4. Add the directory with model_pb2.py to the Libraries.
  5. Add model_pb2 to the forced buildins.

If you're not addicted to autocomplete, you may using ctrl+1 to ignoring these errors instead as described in this answer. This was tested with Eclipse Kepler and pydev 2.8.


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