How to set default button in PyGTK?

2024/9/22 20:24:38

I have very simple window where I have 2 buttons - one for cancel, one for apply. How to set the button for apply as default one? (When I press enter, "apply" button is pressed)

However, I want to set focus to the first input widget (I can't use grab_focus() on the button)

Any suggestions?

Edit: After wuub's answer it works visually good. However, when I press the button in different widget, it doesn't run callback of the default button.

Example code:

import os, sys, pygtk, gtk def run(button, window):dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(window, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL, gtk.MESSAGE_INFO, gtk.BUTTONS_OK, "OK") = gtk.Window()
window.connect("destroy", gtk.main_quit)vbox = gtk.VBox(spacing = 10)
entry = gtk.Entry()
vbox.pack_start(entry)button = gtk.Button(stock = gtk.STOCK_SAVE)
button.connect("clicked", run, window)

EDIT2: Every input which can activate default widget must be ran


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