convert csv to json (nested objects)

2024/9/21 20:57:08

I am new to python, and I am having to convert a csv file to json in following format:

CSV File :

firstname, lastname, email, customerid, dateadded, customerstatus
john, doe, [email protected], 124,26/11/18,active
jane, doe, [email protected], 125,26/11/18,active

JSON format:

{firstname: "John",lastname: "Doe",emailOrPhone: "[email protected]",extraFields: [{name: "customerid",value: "124"},{name: "dateadded",value: "26/11/18"},{name: "dateadded",value: "26/11/18"}]
}, {firstname: "Jane",lastname: "Doe",emailOrPhone: "[email protected]",extraFields: [{name: "customerid",value: "125"},{name: "dateadded",value: "26/11/18"},{name: "dateadded",value: "26/11/18"}]
}current code I am using:
import requests
import json
import time
import csv
import json
import glob
import os
import loggingfor filename in glob.glob('D:\\api\\Extract.csv'):csvfile = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]jsonfile = csvfile + '.json'with open(csvfile+'.csv') as f:reader = csv.DictReader(f)rows = list(reader)with open(jsonfile, 'w') as f:json.dump(rows, f)url = 'api_url'with open("D:\\api\\Extract.json", "r") as read_file:data = json.load(read_file)for item in data:headers = {"Authorization" : "key", "Content-Type" : "application/json"}r =, data= json.dumps(item), headers= headers)logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG,format='%(asctime)s %(message)s',handlers=[logging.FileHandler("D:\\api\\log_file.log"),logging.StreamHandler()])

I can produce parent values in json, but I am not sure how do I get sub-nodes and parse column name as values and iterate through entire file like that. Above code converts csv to simple json objects, I want to achieve nested objects. I am thinking maybe appending would be the solution, but not sure how to pass column as value and corresponding data as value.


You can use csv.DictReader which gives you access to the column name as you're iterating each row. Then you can build each item as follows:

import json
import csvprimary_fields = ['firstname', 'lastname', 'email']
result = []
with open('mydata.csv') as csv_file:reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file, skipinitialspace=True)for row in reader:d = {k: v for k, v in row.items() if k in primary_fields}d['extraFields'] = [{'name': k, 'value': v} for k, v in row.items() if k not in primary_fields]result.append(d)print(json.dumps(result, indent=2))


[{"firstname": "john","lastname": "doe","email": "[email protected]","extraFields": [{"name": "customerid","value": "124"},{"name": "dateadded","value": "26/11/18"},{"name": "customerstatus","value": "active"}]},{"firstname": "jane","lastname": "doe","email": "[email protected]","extraFields": [{"name": "customerid","value": "125"},{"name": "dateadded","value": "26/11/18"},{"name": "customerstatus","value": "active"}]}

If you want to set custom field names in your final json (e.g. emailOrPhone for email), you can always manually set field names for d and set the appropriate value

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