Configure Vs code version 2.0.0 Build Task for python

2024/9/22 5:28:45

I need help in configuring my Vs code to run scripts in python using Cntrl Shift B, I was working fine until Vs code upgraded to version 2.0.0 now it wants me to configure the Build. And I am clueless what Build is all about.

In the past it worked well when I only needed to configure the task runner. There are youtube videos for the task runner. I cant seem to lay my finger on what the Build is all about.


In VS Code go Tasks -> Configure Tasks

{// See for the documentation about the tasks.json format"version": "2.0.0","tasks": [{"taskName": "Run File","command": "python ${file}","type": "shell","group": {"kind": "build","isDefault": true},"presentation": {"reveal": "always","panel": "new","focus": true}},{"taskName": "nosetest","command": "nosetests -v","type": "shell","group": {"kind": "test","isDefault": true},"presentation": {"reveal": "always","panel": "new","focus": true}}]

command: runs current python file

group: 'build'


  • always shows the shell when run
  • uses a new shell
  • focuses the shell (i.e. keyboard is captured in shell window)

2nd Task is configured as the default test and just runs nosetest -v in the folder that's currently open in VS Code.

The "Run Build Task" (the one that's bound to Ctrl+Shift+B) is the one that's configured as the default build task, task 1 in this example (see the group entry).

Suggested by @RafaelZayas in the comments (this will use the Python interpreter that's specified in VS Code's settings rather than the system default; see his comment for more info):

"command": "${command:python.interpreterPath} ${file}"

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