Python prevent overflow errors while handling large floating point numbers and integers

2024/9/21 14:34:16

I am working on a python program to calculate numbers in the Fibonacci sequence. Here is my code:

import math
def F(n):return ((1+math.sqrt(5))**n-(1-math.sqrt(5))**n)/(2**n*math.sqrt(5))
def fib(n):for i in range(n):print F(i)

My code uses this formula for finding the Nth number in the Fibonacci sequence:

enter image description here

This can calculate many of the the numbers in the Fibonacci sequence but I do get overflow errors.

How can I improve this code and prevent overflow errors?

Note: I am using python 2.7.


Python's integers are arbitrary precision so if you calculate the Fibonacci sequence using an interative algorithm, you can compute exact results.

>>> def fib(n):
...   a = 0
...   b = 1
...   while n > 0:
...     a, b = b, a + b
...     n = n - 1
...   return a
>>> fib(100)

There are several multiple precision floating-point libraries available for Python. The decimal module is included with Python and was originally intended for financial calculations. It does support sqrt() so you can do the following:

>>> import decimal
>>> decimal.setcontext(decimal.Context(prec=40))
>>> a=decimal.Decimal(5).sqrt()
>>> a
>>> ((1+a)**100 - (1-a)**100)/(a*(2**100))

Other libraries are mpmath and gmpy2.

>>> import gmpy2
>>> gmpy2.set_context(gmpy2.context(precision=150))
>>> a=gmpy2.sqrt(5)
>>> a
>>> ((1+a)**100 - (1-a)**100)/(a*(2**100))
>>> gmpy2.fib(100)

gmpy2 can also computer Fibonacci numbers directly (as shown above).

Disclaimer: I maintain gmpy2.

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