Serving static files with WSGI and Python 3

2024/9/20 22:38:56

What is the simplest way to serve static files with WSGI and Python 3.2? There are some WSGI apps for PEP 333 and Python 2 for this purpose - but was is about PEP 3333 and Python 3? I want to use wsgiref for development.


Typically, you don't want to serve static files using WSGI. WSGI is used so that dynamic content can be generated by using Python. Static files, by definition, are not dynamic content, so you don't need the additional layer of WSGI and any web app you've built on it. Instead, you would be best to set up your web server (apache, nginx, iis, etc.) to serve the static files separately, alongside your WSGI application.

Edit: Interestingly, I JUST found myself in this spot after you clarified your issue. Here's something I found that you might appreciate. It's called "static".

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