paramiko server mode port forwarding

2024/9/20 11:51:13

I need to implement a ssh server using paramiko that only handles '-R' port forwarding requests like this:

ssh -N -T -R 40005:destination_host:22 [email protected]

So far from what i understand i'll have to implement ServerInterface.check_port_forward_request and at some point after, create a socket and listen to the specified port. Any data that comes through the Channel/Connection go to Connection/Channel respectively

class Server (paramiko.ServerInterface):...def check_port_forward_request(self, address, port):'Check if the requested port forward is allowed'...return portdef handler(chan, port):sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)sock.bind(('', port))sock.listen(1)conn, addr = s.accept()    while True:r, w, x =[conn, chan], [], [])if conn in r:data = conn.recv(1024)if len(data) == 0:breakchan.send(data)if chan in r:data = chan.recv(1024)if len(data) == 0:breakconn.send(data)chan.close()conn.close()verbose('Tunnel closed from %r' % (chan.origin_addr,))thr = threading.Thread(target=handler, args=(chan,server_port))

Is this the general idea behind implementing server-side paramiko ssh port forwarding? Should i start the thread inside check_port_forward_request or somewhere else?


Here's a working example from Paramiko's source of reverse port forwarding:

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