Django/Apache/mod_wsgi not using virtualenvs Python binary

2024/9/20 6:34:50

I have a virtualenv at /opt/webapps/ff/ with its own Python installation. I have WSGIPythonHome set to /opt/webapps/ff in my Apache config file (and this is definitely getting used in some capacity, because if I set it to a slightly different existing directory and restart Apache I get a 504). But if I e.g. assert False in a view somewhere to bring up the Django debug page, I see that settings.PYTHON_BIN is /usr/bin rather than /opt/webapps/ff/bin.

How do I get Apache/mod_wsgi to use my virtual environment's Python binary? I thought setting WSGIPythonHome was the way to do this, but it only seems to affect which site-packages dir is used, not which binary is used. Thanks.


These are the instructions I used which seem to be working well.

Using 'site.addsitedir()' is a bitdifferent to simply adding thedirectory to 'sys.path' as thefunction will open up any '.pth' fileslocated in the directory and processthem. This is necessary to ensure thatany special directories related toPython eggs are automatically added to'sys.path'.

Note that although virtualenv includesthe script '', whichthe virtualenv documentation claimsshould be invoked using 'execfile()'in the context of mod_wsgi, you maywant to be cautious using it. This isbecause the script modifies'sys.prefix' which may actually causeproblems with the operation ofmod_wsgi or Python modules alreadyloaded into the Python interpreter, ifthe code is dependent on the value of'sys.prefix' not changing. TheWSGIPythonHome directive alreadydescribed should instead be used ifwanting to associate Python as a wholewith the virtual environment.

Despite that, the ''script is an attempt to resolve anissue with how 'site.addsitedir()'works. That is that any newdirectories which are added to'sys.path' by 'site.addsitedir()' areactually appended to the end. Theproblem with this in the context ofmod_wsgi is that if WSGIPythonHome wasnot used to associate mod_wsgi with avirgin baseline environment, then anypackages/modules in the main Pythoninstallation will still takeprecedence over those in the virtualenvironment.

To work around this problem, what'' does is invoke'site.addsitedir()' but then alsoreorders 'sys.path' so any newly addeddirectories are shifted to the frontof 'sys.path'. This will then ensurethat where there are differentversions of packages in the virtualenvironment that they take precedenceover those in the main Pythoninstallation.

As explained, because'' is doing otherthings which may not be appropriate inthe context of mod_wsgi, if unable toset WSGIPythonHome to point mod_wsgiat a virgin baseline environment,instead of just calling'site.addsitedir()' you should use thecode:

ALLDIRS = ['usr/local/pythonenv/PYLONS-1/lib/python2.5/site-packages']import sys 
import site # Remember original sys.path.
prev_sys_path = list(sys.path) # Add each new site-packages directory.
for directory in ALLDIRS:site.addsitedir(directory)# Reorder sys.path so new directories at the front.
new_sys_path = [] 
for item in list(sys.path): if item not in prev_sys_path: new_sys_path.append(item) sys.path.remove(item) 
sys.path[:0] = new_sys_path 

If you still want to use theactivation script from virtualenv,then use:

activate_this = '/usr/local/pythonenv/PYLONS-1/bin/' 
execfile(activate_this, dict(__file__=activate_this))

If the fact that 'sys.prefix' has beenmodified doesn't give an issue, thengreat. If you see subtle unexplainedproblems that may be linked to thechange to 'sys.prefix', then use themore long handed approach abovewhereby 'site.addsitedir()' is useddirectly and 'sys.path' reorderdsubsequently.

Here is a discussion about this issue as well

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