Getting Query Parameters as Dictionary in FastAPI [duplicate]

2024/9/8 9:06:29

I spent last month learning Flask, and am now moving on to Pyramid and FastAPI. One of the requirements for my application is to get all the query parameters in a dictionary (there are multiple combinations, and I can assume all keys are unique and have a single value)

In Flask, for request like GET /?foo=1&bar=2 I can get the foo and bar parameters from a dictionary like this:

from flask import Flask, request
app = Flask(__name__)
def root():if 'foo' in request.args:return f"foo was provided: {request.args['foo']}", 200else:return "I need your foo, fool!", 400

I cannot figure out how to do the same easily in FastAPI / Starlette. Best solution I've come up with is to manually build the dictionary by splitting up request.query_params:

from fastapi import FastAPI, Request
app = FastAPI()@app.get("/")
def root(path, request: Request):request_args = {}if request.query_params:for _ in str(request.query_params).split("&"):[key, value] = _.split("=")request_args[key] = str(value)

It certainly seems there should be an easier way?


This is simple, just isn't documented very well. The Request class has an attribute called query_params. It's a mulitdict, but can easily be converted to a standard dictionary via the dict() function:

def root(path, req: Request):request_args = dict(req.query_params)

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