How to rename a node with Python LXML?

2024/9/20 7:51:43

How do I rename a node using LXML?

Specifically, how to rename a parent node i.e. a <body> tag while preserving all the underlying structure?

I am parsing using the lxml.html module but supposedly there shouldn't be any difference between xml and html in terms of renaming between lxml.html.HtmlElement and its XML counterpart.

I have searched through the docs at the LXML site but didn't find any reference to renaming of nodes.


Once you have the <body> element, just change its tag attribute.

import lxml.etree
import lxml.htmldoc = lxml.html.fromstring("<html><body><p></body></html>")
body = doc.find('body')
body.tag = "body-not"

This prints


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